Thursday, 4 September 2008

Can I just a rant?

Well, I had already written part of this, but i've had to start again because the computer died, ( je suis not happy)

Anyway, I was reading one of the posts about how crime rates have gone up, and i was really annoyed and, well, i'd like to say suprised but i really wasn't. The government have recently introduced a new scheme of funding inmates who are being released. I'll explain it to you. Basically, inmates who have been granted shortened sentences, or are just due to be realeased because its the end of their sentence anyway, all of whom are also in the low level petty crime catogory (including buglary, antisocial behaviour, and drunk and disorderly charges) are being released at the end of their sentances with £1000 grants for rehabilitation, (living costs and so on) though the thing that baffles me is, what impression is this really giving to the inmates, a lot of whom are cronic reoffenders, and a considerable percentage usually only commiting the crime to fund a habit anyway. So what? Give them £1000 to waste on drugs or drink for a week or two, until they have to start stealing again to get more money, and end up back in prison.
Gahhh! Its a shambles!!
(rant one over =)

and this isnt really a rant, but the case on the news of the mansion that got burnt down. I know they found out it was the Dad (I think thats right?) but i still find it really hard to wrap my head around it. My imediate reaction when the case was released to the news was mainly just... well i jsut thought the family were on holiday, and someone had set teh house alight purposly, but then obviously there where the other out-buildings that were burnt too, so I realised it was very well planned. Until i then heard that the daughter had been talking to her friends something like 4 hours before the fire started, which then made me look it up more, obviously reavealing there was more to the story, i.e the debt side of things, and then obviously we found out who did it. But still, it makes it hard to believe, and in mind you kind of go throught he scenarios like, why didnt he just sell the house or animals, as that was where the money was, but still, you never know a persons situation, its jsut a sad story that one.
(that wasnt such a rant, more of a ramble, anywho, thats over now =)

ah, but oh my goodness! Boris Johnson at the olympics ceremonies! ARGH! What can I say? We seemed to just fail from teh start with the olympics. They brought out the video, and logo for it, and it gave people seizures or something, FAIL! So then after all that had died down, we went and did Beijing, and did really well, and then it gets to Boris Johnson. China are greeted at the handover ceremony, by and over grown school boy, who borrowed his big brothers suite with extra big pockets, great for burrying hands in, and acidently fell head first into a bucket of bleach, (is that hair real) personally, i was not impressed with dear Boris, who didnt seem to know what he was doing and was more excited about waving to his grandmother, or whoever it was he couldnt possible give a tasteful wave too. Well yes, after that embarressment, we then go to the bus driving round the stadium, and there was me thinking, hmm, it seems to be going quite well... until some kind of golden zebedee/leona lewis thing started to potrude from top of it, shortly followed by an old bloke, oh golly my mistake, Jimmy Page who enjoys screwing up his face and playing the guitar for a living, (its a good job he can actually play well otherwise i would of had to write at least another paragraph) and personally, wasnt loving their version of the Led Zep song. So yes, my theory is, the London olympics may very well FAIL. But lets hope not :)

Yeah, so i think I'm pretty much done now. Oh apart from: Gutted DJ Grooverider who got caught for carrying drugs and imprisioned in Dubai. Hugs not Drugs right! :)

All done now

1 comment:

lorna said...

my god woman, u can ramble!