Friday, 18 September 2009

Manure Dumped at Clarkson's Home!

Six women dressed as suffragettes protested outside Jeremy Clarksons house, with a sign saying 'This is what you're landing us in' with an arrow pointed to a pile of horse manure. The women from an action group called Climate Rush don't approve of all the emissions cars off Top Gear let out. The six women, three camera crews and people from the press were gathered outside in the grounds of his Oxforshire home.
Deborah Grayson, one of the protesters said "Just as he's ever so blase about his C02 and how much he's contributing to climate change emissions,we're a little bit blase about our horse manure."
The police were called to Clarksons house but by the time they had got there, everyone had left so nobody was arrested. Clarkson didn't make a comment about this and it is not certain if he was even in his house at the time.

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