Just found this Hilarious Article written by Charlie Brooker on The Murdochs :) Enjoy!
Friday, 16 October 2009
Sunday, 27 September 2009
Lesbian teacher in affair with student

Helen Goddard (26) was teaching music at a £13,000-a-year school when she started a lesbian relationship with a 15 year old student. The student claims to have initiated the first kiss, and within weeks they fallen in love and begun a sexual relationship. Goddard has been sentenced to 15 months in jail after admitting to 6 counts of sexual activity with a minor.
The couple say they are still in love and intend to continue their relationship after Goddard has completed her sentence.
In june Goddard had accompanied the student on a visit to her relatives in Paris, booking them both into a hotel room. During the weekend, the couple went to a gay pride march together.
Sunday, 20 September 2009
Plot to blow up school?
On 20th April 2009, Matthew Swift and Ross McKnight were accused of plotting to blow up their school due to allegedly beoming obsessed with Columbine killers Harris and Klebold. However on Wednesday 16th September, after spending 6 months in prison, the boys were found not guilty of trying to blow up the school. The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) based much of the case on journals and diaries kept by the pair, which were full of rants against society. However none of their writing was no more then a fantasy and I think that the prosecution was dealt in the wrong way considering the evidence and I think that it was judgemental and it stereotypes teenages as very negative!
Friday, 18 September 2009
Serial rapist is tracked to boat on Norfolk Broads

A child rapist responsible for a series of “despicable and heinous” crimes was tracked to a cruiser on the Norfolk Broads after going on the run from police.Michael Love, 51, was lock up today after being jailed for 19-and-a-half years - among the longest terms possible for crimes of this type. The sentence was described as a “victory” for his young victims. Neighbours of his recently expressed surprise when told of the extent of his crimes. Det Con Dharm Chatha, from Humberside police, said: “The police made extensive inquiries - and if we had not got him, he would still have been on the run.
The 9/11
The 9/11 was when the twin towers in America were struck by two hi-jacked planes, atleast 2,985 people died including the hi-jackers in that horrific attack by nineteen terrorists.They also directed a third plane into the pentagon in arlington, it caused some damage which was rennovated within a year.
A forth plane was aimed toward Washington DC, but the brave passengers over powered the terrorists diverting the plane into an empty field, killing all that were on board.
In the end the twin towers eventually crumbled to the ground with in a few hours, leaving everyone around in a state of shock.
Many brave fire fighters died trying to save any survivers.
A forth plane was aimed toward Washington DC, but the brave passengers over powered the terrorists diverting the plane into an empty field, killing all that were on board.
In the end the twin towers eventually crumbled to the ground with in a few hours, leaving everyone around in a state of shock.
Many brave fire fighters died trying to save any survivers.
Manure Dumped at Clarkson's Home!
Six women dressed as suffragettes protested outside Jeremy Clarksons house, with a sign saying 'This is what you're landing us in' with an arrow pointed to a pile of horse manure. The women from an action group called Climate Rush don't approve of all the emissions cars off Top Gear let out. The six women, three camera crews and people from the press were gathered outside in the grounds of his Oxforshire home.
Deborah Grayson, one of the protesters said "Just as he's ever so blase about his C02 and how much he's contributing to climate change emissions,we're a little bit blase about our horse manure."
The police were called to Clarksons house but by the time they had got there, everyone had left so nobody was arrested. Clarkson didn't make a comment about this and it is not certain if he was even in his house at the time.
Deborah Grayson, one of the protesters said "Just as he's ever so blase about his C02 and how much he's contributing to climate change emissions,we're a little bit blase about our horse manure."
The police were called to Clarksons house but by the time they had got there, everyone had left so nobody was arrested. Clarkson didn't make a comment about this and it is not certain if he was even in his house at the time.
Schools buy hair straightners to boost girls PE
Hair straightners have recently been introduced to three schools in West Dunbartonshire in hope to encourage more girls to take part in PE; after teenage girls worried about having bad hair after taking part in sporting lessons.
Nine sets of straightners have been installed into these schools at a cost of around £800.
The council said: "The move was part of wider efforts to improve PE facilities.", and another spokeswomen said: "The council considers the views of pupils to be critical in ensuring that the school environment is as positive and inclusive as possible and pupils were widely consulted during the design phase."
Hopefully this idea will be carried out to other areas!
Nine sets of straightners have been installed into these schools at a cost of around £800.
The council said: "The move was part of wider efforts to improve PE facilities.", and another spokeswomen said: "The council considers the views of pupils to be critical in ensuring that the school environment is as positive and inclusive as possible and pupils were widely consulted during the design phase."
Hopefully this idea will be carried out to other areas!
facebook murder
In the news there was this murder where this womans husband killed his wife because she was on facebook to much. the worlds going mad. The article says "The 31-year-old man first stabbed and then strangled Hayley Jones to death at the home they shared with their four children.
The trial heard Ms Jones had changed her status to 'single' on the social networking website less than two weeks before the killing". Social networking is taking over our lives as great as it is. This story is abit of a shock to me as i couldnt belive that a man with 4 kids would do anything like that to his wife because of her facebook page. The man deserves to be in prision for life. "Lewis claimed he was trimming his finger nails with a kitchen knife when he tried to "touch" his 26-year-old partner's sleeping bag with the tip of the blade out of frustration after a row.
The knife pierced two sleeping bags and went through three layers of clothing Ms Jones had been wearing while trying to sleep on a sofa. Her ribcage prevented it from penetrating any further. He said he later found himself with his hands around Ms Jones' throat and only released his grip when he heard one of his sons calling out from upstairs". This acually made me quite angry. who cuts there fingernails with a kitchen knife!! and who "finds" them selves with there hands round someones throat!! this story just shows how much technoligy is taking over our lives and i know that this isnt the first case where someone has been killed because of the internet.
The trial heard Ms Jones had changed her status to 'single' on the social networking website less than two weeks before the killing". Social networking is taking over our lives as great as it is. This story is abit of a shock to me as i couldnt belive that a man with 4 kids would do anything like that to his wife because of her facebook page. The man deserves to be in prision for life. "Lewis claimed he was trimming his finger nails with a kitchen knife when he tried to "touch" his 26-year-old partner's sleeping bag with the tip of the blade out of frustration after a row.
The knife pierced two sleeping bags and went through three layers of clothing Ms Jones had been wearing while trying to sleep on a sofa. Her ribcage prevented it from penetrating any further. He said he later found himself with his hands around Ms Jones' throat and only released his grip when he heard one of his sons calling out from upstairs". This acually made me quite angry. who cuts there fingernails with a kitchen knife!! and who "finds" them selves with there hands round someones throat!! this story just shows how much technoligy is taking over our lives and i know that this isnt the first case where someone has been killed because of the internet.
Postal strike!
This week postal workers have threatened to go on a national strike over pay rates and job cuts, in the previous week there have been several more local strikes but the workers are still unhappy and said " it was prepared to call off all strike action if the Royal Mail agreed to stop all redundancies."If a national strike were to go ahead the 95 million a day letters and parcels delivered by the royal mail would stand still and chaos would be brought to many companies and buisnesses nationwide.
Fifth British soldier killed in Afghan region.
Fifth British soldier killed in Afghan region 'cleared of Taleban'
A British soldier died of gunshot wounds in Helmand province today, the fifth to be killed in the district of Babaji since the end of an operation to clear it of Taleban fighters.The soldier from the 2nd Battalion The Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment, who was serving with The Light Dragoons battlegroup, was shot while on foot patrol.He was the 214th British soldier to die in Afghanistan since 2001, and the 77th to be killed this year. The push, which ended on July 25, lasted five weeks and involved 3,000 troops. Ten British soldiers, including four in Babaji, were killed as three battlegroups fought their way through central Helmand. British military sources said that more than 500 Taleban fighters had been killed or driven from the area. However, since July 25, there have been numerous attacks in or near Babaji. Five soldiers have died in the district, and four more were killed in the area north of Lashkar Gah, which was also part of the Panther’s Claw operation.
A British soldier died of gunshot wounds in Helmand province today, the fifth to be killed in the district of Babaji since the end of an operation to clear it of Taleban fighters.The soldier from the 2nd Battalion The Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment, who was serving with The Light Dragoons battlegroup, was shot while on foot patrol.He was the 214th British soldier to die in Afghanistan since 2001, and the 77th to be killed this year. The push, which ended on July 25, lasted five weeks and involved 3,000 troops. Ten British soldiers, including four in Babaji, were killed as three battlegroups fought their way through central Helmand. British military sources said that more than 500 Taleban fighters had been killed or driven from the area. However, since July 25, there have been numerous attacks in or near Babaji. Five soldiers have died in the district, and four more were killed in the area north of Lashkar Gah, which was also part of the Panther’s Claw operation.
Wacko Jacko Dies at 50 - ITV Interview with Martin Bashir a few years ago.
When Michael Jackson died, all hell broke loose. People had been queueing for hours to buy tickets for his tour 'This Is It' which was to go on for many months from the end of 2009 through to 2010, his children were growing up and the tour was partly so that they could see him at work. Then, on the 25th of June 2009, radio's, televisions, newspapers and magazines immediately began spreading the shocking news. A lot of people thought badly of Michael Jackson, which I thought was rather unfair. Quite a number of years ago, Jackson agreed to do a one off TV Interview with Martin Bashir for ITV. Martin portrayed Michael as a person living in the past and someone with problems that he needed to get rid of. In one part of the filming, Micahel described himself as Peter Pan - The boy who never grew up while they were walking around his theme park; he also climbed trees and read childrens books. Martin was overall rather unfair on Michael and when they did a real sit-down interview, the questions asked were biased and unfair. Parts of the interview were also cut which made Michael look bad. I thought this was really unfair and injust. Michael was a very shy man who didn't like people to know things about him, yet he allowed one interview to happen and allowed Martin in to his life and in to the life of his children (at the time the children were younger and 'Blanket' was still a baby, therefore still masked). I thought the way Martin acted was really out of order saying all these things about Michael and the actual TV programme can be found on YouTube.
I then did a bit more research on this issue and found a great rebuttle video titled 'Take Two: The Footage You Were Never Meant To See' This really made me smile... I was glad that someone was standing up for Michael because so many bad things have been said about him, especially as the charges against him for child molestation were included in Martins betrayal of a show. I understand that people are intitled to their own opinion, but sometimes people don't realise that what they think is their opinion is actually the opinion of the media trying to sell juicy (and sometimes untrue) gossip. It's a shame that people believe everything they read in the news and it's unfortunate that the media has hypnotised so many people. People like Michael Jackson were inspirations, so I will leave you with one of his many quotes If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with.
I then did a bit more research on this issue and found a great rebuttle video titled 'Take Two: The Footage You Were Never Meant To See' This really made me smile... I was glad that someone was standing up for Michael because so many bad things have been said about him, especially as the charges against him for child molestation were included in Martins betrayal of a show. I understand that people are intitled to their own opinion, but sometimes people don't realise that what they think is their opinion is actually the opinion of the media trying to sell juicy (and sometimes untrue) gossip. It's a shame that people believe everything they read in the news and it's unfortunate that the media has hypnotised so many people. People like Michael Jackson were inspirations, so I will leave you with one of his many quotes If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with.
ITV Interview,
Martin Bashir,
Michael Jackson
10,000 petition to stop SAT's
10,000 people have signed a petition calling for the end of SAT's. The petition urges the Government to abolish Natiional Curriculum tests for 7-11 year olds. Many are saying they're bad for families and parents and children and they put too much stress on the children while they are still young. Well, I ain't even 16 and I'm having to do exams...so I say get rid of them all!!!
Tuesday, 30 June 2009
Civil Liberties saved!

At last someone has noticed that it's wrong to break the Human Rights Act..
Alan Johnson released today people in the UK bar foreign workers will not have to have I.D. Cards at all!
I.D. cards are going to be given to people on a voluntary basis and will not become compulsory when at least 80% of the British population has a card which is good news knowing the controversy which Liberty,the human rights pressure group called a thing that "will cost both our privacy and our wallets dearly" which is good news for adults paying tax which has already cost them 6 billion pounds and us who will not need new eyeballs if we lose the card due to retina imaging.
Compulsory I.D. Cards are ditched which they should have been ages ago ..A triumph for the Conservatives and The Lib Dems who have made Labour do the most expensive U-turn in history due to their resistance of the I.D. card proposal.
Victoria Caswell.
Wednesday, 10 June 2009
BNP leader pelted with eggs
Local and European election results

So, the European elections have been and gone and we are beginning to contemplate the results. Protest votes against the MP expenses rows and low turnouts have made for some controversial results and a changing political map. Check this link http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/in_depth/europe/2009/election_09/default.stm to find out the local and European results for Norfolk and around the country.
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